Isbell, Billie Jean
The emerging patterns of peasants' responses to Sendero Luminoso
Ithaca. Columbia University, 19 pp.
Since the beginning of Sendero Luminoso´s declaration of a “prolongedpeoples of war” in 1980, one of the most frequently asked questions has been:“Does Sendero Luminoso have peasant support? “McClintock´s assessment in 1984 was encapsulated in the title of herarticle: “When Peasants Rebel”. Carlo...
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Isbell, Billie Jean
The text and context of terror in Perú
Nueva York. Columbia University, 14 pp.
After spending almost 20 years conducting ethnographic research in thedepartment of Ayacucho, Perú, I find myself listening to the tapes recording ofthe voices from communities that I have known over the years. These tapes weremade at the end of 1985 and the first months of 1986 during an investi...
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