Human Right Watch of Americas
Perú: the two faces of justice.
New York: Human Right Watch Americas, 52 pp.
Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori will begin his second term on July 28,1995. The elections held in April 1995 for president, vice president, and a newcongress marked in many respects the formal return to constitutional orderafter Fujimori closed down the congress and courts and abrogated Perú´...
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Human Right Watch of Americas
Peru: presumption of guilt. Human rights violations and the faceless courts in Peru.
New York: Human Rights Watch, 38 pp.
The incarceration of hundreds of innocent prisoners charged or convicted ofterrorist crimes they did not commit is now an open secret in Perú. While theremay be disagreement about the numbers unjustly prosecuted by Perú´s “facelesscourts,” no one in Peru, including the arquitect of the court syst...
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