Harrington, Michael
Unrealized expectations and political violence in Peru ïs Sendero Luminoso insurgency.
Huntington. Marshall University, 1996, 88 pp
Biblioteca IEP. Código: 01.02.07/H2
english, inglés, terrorismo, sendero luminoso, abimael guzmán, fuerzas armadas, alberto fujimori, política
This paper argues that Sendero Luminoso´s ideological promotion of political
violence is attractive to some disenfranchised individuals whose aspirations
are unsatisfied by their achievements. However, it does not assert that
achievement discrepancy alone has automatically translated into political
violence. The presence of a relatively well organized revolutionary
organization capable of channelling frustration into action has been a decisive
ingredient in Peru´s insurgency. The combination of these elements has
contributed significantly to the growth of armed subversion in Perú. This work
is novel because it goes beyond the prototypical analysis of political,
economic and statistical factors. Sendero´s ideology will be theoretically and
empirically evaluated through the movement´s proclamations, propaganda and behaviour.
The relation between the Andean legacy of violence and Peru´s profound lack of
equity will be linked to the ideological appeal of Sendero´s ultra-egalitarian
communist ideology. Chapter one outlines Sendero Luminoso as a contemporary
guerrilla movement. It then examinants the influence of Andean historical
factors on the Peruvian revolutionary situation. Chapter two is a theoretical
and historical evaluation of the insurgents as a revolutionary political party.
Chapter three discusses the relation between incongruent aspirations and
achievements with Sendero´s growth as a subversive organization.
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