Reuter, John
Sendero luminoso and the threat of narcoterrorism.
New York. Praeger : The Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1990, 168 pp
Biblioteca IEP. Código: 01.02.07/T22
english, inglés, terrorismo, sendero luminoso, abimael guzmán, fuerzas armadas
Sendero Luminoso- the “Shining Path”- ranks among the most elusive secretive
and brutal guerrilla organizations in the world. For a decade, it has carried
out a violent, clandestine rebellion in Peru unlike any seen thus far in the
Western Hemisphere. Strengthened by adherence to the theories of Karl Marx,
Vladimir Lenin, and Mao Zedong, the insurgency is determined to overthrow
Peru´s existing socioeconomic system and reconstructure the state with its own
unique interpretation of communism. The Sendero Luminoso movement first emerged in May 1980, at the time when
democracy returned to Peru after 12 years of military dictatorship. Since then
it has continued to grow steadily. Once a radical uprising limited to the
Andean highlands of Ayacucho, it is now a movement of national proportions that
was woven itself into the fabric of Peruvian society. At first essentially ignored as a temporary
disturbance, it is recognized today as the Peruvian government´s greatest
domestic problem. Even the nation´s hyperinflation pales in comparison. Unlike
many other terrorist groups, Sendero Luminoso is founded upon an intellectual
infrastructure. The movement is led by the now legendary Abimael Guzmán, a
former philosophy professor revered by Senderistas as “the fourth sword of
communism” (after Marx, Lenin and Mao).
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