Seligmann, Linda
Between reform and revolution
Stanford. Stanford University Press , 1995, 268 pp
Biblioteca IEP. Código: 07.02.01/S37
inglés, sendero luminoso, estudio, terrorismo
Poverty, fanaticism, lack of institutional representation, or frustraited
expectations among peasants are some of the principal explanations scholars
have offered for the civil war. After a close examination of the events that
unfolded in highland regions of Peru after the reform, I have come to think
that theses explanations are too simple. This book argues instead that the
mechanisms that combined to usher in one of the most violent periods of Peru´s
history are inextricably bound up with the 1969 reform and the peculiar ways in
which it restrucutured political space. The reform affored some peasants the
opportunity to seize greater local power, while opening the doors for a number
of other contenders to vie for control of that same space. The following pages
seek to explain how political life in the countryside changed during and after
the reform and why these changes contributed to the ability of Sendero Lumiso
to establish a foothold, specifically in rural areas. Rather than reducing
these changes and their consequences to a matter of failed modernanization
policies, I trace the often-contradictory ways in which the state´s policies
led to its own growing fragility and fragmentation.
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