Smith, Michael L.
Assessing the capture of Abimael Guzman on Sendero Luminoso and the future of Peru
Washington: FAS Federation of American Scientists, 12 pp.
Biblioteca del Centro de Estudios y Promoción de Desarrollo (DESCO)
sendero luminoso, abimael guzmán, captura, terrorismo
Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori will begin his second term on July 28,
1995. The elections held in April 1995 for president, vice president, and a new
congress marked in many respects the formal return to constitutional order
after Fujimori closed down the congress and courts and abrogated Perú´s
Constitution on April 5, 1992. Yet the judicial system has yet to be restored
to its pre-coup independence. And the creation of a system of faceless courts
to prosecute those accused of terrorism- justified as a temporary emergency
measure- stands out as anti-democratic and a violation of basic human rights
principles. Together with the impunity granted to government forces who
torture, rape, and murder citizens, justice under Fujimori is two- faced: benevolent
to soldiers, punitive to civilians. In releasing this report, Human Rights
Watch/ Americas calls on President Fujimori and the newly elected congress to
address immediately the twin issues of impunity and fundamental due process
violations which dramatically worsened during his first term in office. Not a
single person charged with terrorism or treason in Peru since new laws were
implemented in 1992 has received a fair trial.
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