Strong, Simon
Shining Path. The World´s Deadliest Revolutionary Force
Great Britain. Fontana (Harper Collins), 280 pp
0- 00- 637718- 1
Fundación Herbert Morote
english, inglés, terrorismo, sendero luminoso, abimael guzmán, fuerzas armadas, alberto fujimori, política
The author was born in London. He was foreign correspondent for the BBC
and The Independent in Ecuador and Peru in 1988. This book is based in hundreds
of interviews carried out between 1988 and 1991 as well as on documents,
articles and books.
A very good introduction to a dramatic subject that is
at the Herat of a dilemma in not only Latin America but Third World countries.
(Mario Vargas Llosa) -Excellent… captures superbly the potent mix of etnic
hatred and Guzmán-style Maoism (London Review of Books).
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