Established by former atomic scientists in 1945, the Federation of American |
Scientists (FAS) is a non-profit civic organization concerned with issues of science |
and society, and international security issues. The Project on Peru seeks greater |
understanding of Sendero Luminoso's threat to Peru and other countries. FAS |
President Jeremy J. Stone directs the FAS Fund's Project on Peru. Michael L. Smith |
edits The Sendero File. |
Focusing on Sendero |
Although many serious problems bedevil the State and society of Peru, none |
is more serious than the threat of Sendero Luminoso. Sendero openly |
strives to destroy the state and its institutions as part of its revolution. |
Indeed, it requires for its revolution that the Peruvian people shed rivers of |
blood. |
Were Sendero's revolution, led by Chairman Gonzalo, a.k.a. Abimael |
Guzmán, to succeed in overthrowing the Government, the resulting pariahhermit |
state would have to meet demands for food, health, shelter and |
employment that, in the modern age, cannot be met in such isolation. As a |
consequence, millions more could die and others become refugees with |
enormous suffering over an extended period. We have already seen, in |
Cambodia, from 1975 to 1978, what chaos results when an extremely |
radical Maoist group, steeped in ideology but inexperienced in government, |
somehow finds itself in power. |
Whether one focuses, as various existing groups do, on maintaining |
democracy in the hemisphere, or on human rights, or on stemming the flow |
of cocaine into U.S. cities, Sendero's onslaught threatens to make difficult |
problems insoluble while raising human and economic costs. The Sendero |
File will help to focus on the impact and implications of Sendero in all these |
areas and others |