Comisión de la verdad y reconciliación
La CVR ha concluido que la cifra más probable de víctimas fatales de esas dos décadas supera los 69 mil peruanos y peruanas muertos o desaparecidos a manos de las organizaciones subversivas o por obra de los agentes del Estado- … un doble escándalo: el del asesinato, la desaparición y la tortura masivos y el de la indolencia, la ineptitud y la indiferencia de quienes pudieron impedir esta catástrofe humana y no lo hicieron.

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Existen varios libros relacionados con los medios de comunicación durante el genocidio en Ayacucho, búsquelos en Biblioteca, Tema: periodismo.
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LODER, Asjylyn
Peru Looks to Ban Popular Birth Control Method
ingles, fujimori, genocidio, esterilizaciones forzadas, english
Este artículo aparece traducido en nuestra Hemeroteca con el título de: PERÚ BUSCA PROHIBIR MÉTODO POPULAR DE CONTROL DE LA NATALIDAD
(WOMENSENEWS)--Conservative officials within the Peruvian government are attempting to ban sterilization, the fourth most popular birth-control method for women in the country and one that was just recently made legal.
Peruvian Congress members and the Ministry of Health called for the ban this summer after government reports revealed an untold number of women were sterilized without their consent between 1996 and 2000. About 450 cases have been documented, although the country's minister of health, Fernando Carbone, had told the press the number of actual cases are 200,000.
Women's rights supporters say the government should be concentrating on helping the victims of the involuntary procedures--most have not been compensated for their losses-- rather than trying to restrict all women's choices. They also worry that Carbone and others of exploiting the issue to promote their anti-birth control ideology

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